Bite Corrections in Greenville, WI
Dental malocclusions, including overbites, underbites, and open bites can be effectively addressed through orthodontic treatments at Westhill Dental Greenville in Greenville, WI.
Overbite Correction
Overbite is a common dental problem that affects both children and adults. It usually occurs when the size or shape of the jaw or teeth is not in harmony with each other. This can result in insufficient or excess space in the jaw, leading to misaligned teeth. If left untreated, overjet can cause teeth to become crooked and crowded, which can further complicate the issue.
Overbites are a type of malocclusion that can lead to worn enamel, cracked and broken teeth, jaw pain, and other symptoms. If you think your child has an overbite, please call our office to schedule an appointment or schedule online. We will be happy to help!
Open Bite Correction
An open bite is a dental condition in which the upper and lower teeth fail to touch at the front or back of the mouth when the jaw is closed, leaving a gap between them. This condition is a type of malocclusion, also known as a “bad bite,” that can cause several dental issues. Improper alignment of teeth can lead to difficulties when biting down, pain, and other related problems like oral hygiene issues and tooth and gum decay.
Although treating an open bite can be challenging, it is possible with the use of various types of braces and clear aligners. If you or your child is experiencing an open bite, please do not hesitate to call our office today to schedule an appointment or use our online scheduling tool. We can help you or your child achieve a healthy smile and proper bite.
Underbite Correction
An underbite can cause problems at different stages of life and may be caused by various factors. Ideally, underbites should be treated while the jaw is still developing. However, many adults live with this type of misaligned jaw and suffer from TMJ, headaches, chronic pain, and other related issues. If you believe you or your child may be experiencing an underbite, please call our office to schedule an appointment with us today!
What is malocclusion?
Malocclusion is a condition where the upper and lower teeth do not align properly, causing difficulties with biting and chewing. More commonly malocclusion is known as having a “bad bite”.
Are deep bites and overbites the same?
A deep bite is a malocclusion in which the upper front teeth excessively overlap the bottom front teeth when the back teeth are closed. This is also called an overbite or closed bite.
When the lower jaw is shorter than the upper jaw, the upper teeth are further “forward,” and the lower teeth keep growing until they hit the back of the upper teeth (the cingulate) or the roof of the mouth. Also, as the lower front teeth grow up under the upper front teeth, they often get pushed together, which can cause crowding and alignment problems.
Another thing that can cause a deep bite is the loss of a lower tooth. This makes the lower jaw look like it is shorter than usual. Lastly, the bite can get deeper if the muscles used to bite are very strong. This is common in people who clench or grind their teeth.
Does an open bite get worse over time?
Yes, absolutely. Any orthodontic problem, like an open bite, that is not fixed will get worse over time. It is very important to see an experienced orthodontist as soon as possible who can fix your or your child’s open bite. This will prevent further damage to the teeth and gums and pain or discomfort when you or your child chews, bites, or swallows.
Children with open bites will have the best and most long-lasting results if they receive care by age 7.
What are the main causes of underbites?
The causes of underbites can vary and may include:
Genetics: Did you know that underbites are most commonly inherited? Genetics help determine the shape and size of your teeth and jaw, meaning that overcrowded teeth or a misaligned jaw are likely inherited from other family members. If your underbite is due to genetics, prevention is not generally possible.
Injury: Serious facial injuries can cause lasting damage to the jaw. While it’s possible to surgically repair broken jaw bones, teeth may not always align post-surgery. This can potentially lead to an underbite.
More Questions?
If you have more questions bite corrections, please contact our office, and we will be happy to discuss further.
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