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types of dental implants

What Are The 3 Types of Dental Implants

A dental implant consists of a tiny titanium post (screw) positioned within the jawbone just below the gum line. The bone in your jaw will fuse with this post, making strong support for your new tooth. Your natural tooth’s root can no longer be used, but a dental implant post can. It anchors itself firmly in place, as a root would, and it actively promotes bone growth and helps maintain its integrity.

A dental implant restoration is placed on top of the implant post. When one tooth needs to be replaced, a crown is usually all that’s required. However, a bridge or dentures can be supported by dental implants, allowing multiple teeth replacement at once.

If taken care of, dental implants can last a lifetime. Due to these and the many other advantages they offer, dental implants are the go-to solution with great importance for permanently replacing lost teeth.

  • Single Tooth Replacement

A dental implant often replaces one missing tooth. Only one implant is needed to replace a single tooth. There’s just one post and one crown required. A dental implant can replace the entire tooth, root, and crown when you lose a single tooth.

A dental implant for a single tooth may be the best option if you are missing one or more teeth that are not close to each other.


It is not the best choice if you’re losing several teeth. Furthermore, if you’re missing numerous teeth, you might be able to save money by getting the following type of dental implant.

  •  Replacing several teeth: Use an implant-supported bridge.

A bridge supported by implants is the best option for replacing many teeth. An implant-supported bridge may be your best option if you’re missing several teeth in a row close together.

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge replaces one or more missing teeth by bonding dental crowns on either side of the gap to natural teeth on either side of the replacement.

The crowns in an implant-supported bridge are now attached to implants rather than natural teeth. The method is analogous to implanting a single tooth in the jaw. However, a dental implant cannot replace the tooth or teeth directly in the center of the space.

An implant-supported bridge allows for the secure replacement of multiple consecutively lost teeth without the need to repair each tooth individually.

One disadvantage is a bone loss because not every tooth can be implanted.

  • Complete denture replacement: Put in an implant-retained denture.

Dentures are designed to replace a natural arch of teeth. It fits over gums and mimics the look of natural teeth. Dentures have traditionally been detachable, leading to issues with comfort while eating, speaking, and other daily activities. An implant-retained denture may be your best option if you miss most teeth in the upper or lower jaw.

Dental implants are a permanent solution to this problem, allowing you to anchor your denture in place firmly. Dental implants can replace a single lost tooth or an entire arch of teeth.

Feel free to schedule an appointment with Westhill Dental in Greenville with any inquiries you may have regarding dental implants. Consult with us, or better yet, give us a call, and Greenville Dentist will answer all your questions specifically for your case.